Jeremiah 29:11-14a

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hearbreak or Happiness; either way, God has made you BEAUTIFULLY <3

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:13-14

So I thought boy troubles in high school were bad. Wow, was I mistaken. I have only lived on my floor here at school two weeks and I have already seen everything from heartbreak to happiness in my fellow women thanks to the males of our world.

I've been wanting to write on here again for a while, but I didn't quite have anything riveting to share. Personally, God has been teaching me how to trust and follow him. This has not been an easy lesson, but it's a pretty standard one I think: I want to know what's going to happen and how and when, and God says chillax, I've got this one.

Apart from that, though, I've really been praying mostly for the people around me. I find that every night my list gets longer, but I'm ok with that. So, in light of recent events on our floor, and a nice chat I had with my lovely friend Lissa today on the way to church, I just want to explore our incredible God and how he has made us ladies-beautifully.

There is a bulletin board down the hall from my room that says just that, and I love it. It is so vital that we girls be reminded of that daily-that God has made us beautifully. This morning at church, a guy shared a testimony about going to India on a mission that saved girls from sex traficking. He shared a story with us about one day, they went around the room and the girls said what they though was beautiful. The sun, nature, etc, were common answers, until one girl said "Me. I am beautiful." Wow! What an amazing proclomation from a girl who had lived a life of horrors of which I can't imagine. But she is so right. No matter what country you live in, what your skin color is, what size jeans you wear, or how freckled your face is, God has made you beautifully.

So, that's awesome, right. I can say that all day, but do we believe it? I ask that because all down the hall I see girls who don't. Not all, all the time, but at some point, every girl in the world has thought, wow, I look like crap. I'm guilty of it, we all are I would bet. But that's not ok. Who are we to scoff at God's creation, saying, you should've made me more like her. It's so dangerous a thing to do that! Once in the business of comparing, our self image only gets worse. Then, what happens? Self-esteem goes down the tube and we go from thinking of ourselves as God's beautiful creation to not worth too much of anyone's time.

There is an amazing girl on this floor who is sweet, cute and fun. She is beautiful. Does she believe it? I don't think so. See, like many of us, she has settled for someone becuase he makes her feel loved, he gives her attention. But when he treats her like crap, she deals, because she doesn't think she's worth the time of someone who will love her for her inner beauty, and not just her outer. She lies to herself, saying that she's blowing it out of proportion, all the bad stuff he does and says. She tells herself that she should be cooler with it, and not be so needy.

Well that's a lie.
Our Creator made us exactly the way he wanted to. To Him, we are beautiful creations. And any guy who thinks any less of you than that, and I mean ANY less, is not the man that God designed perfectly to fit you, his beautiful creation. God did not just cut out a bunch of paper dolls, throw them on the table and see who landed together! No, he made the perfect girl to fit and compliment her perfect guy. Our Creator is all powerful, why would he make people almost fit? God didn't make our bodies work kind of. He didn't make sure the lungs worked most of the time and then check it off his list. God doesn't allow a margin of error! He does what he wants, and why on earth would he send his Son to die for a creation that wasn't all that? He loved us that much, why would he not make us perfectly as he intended?

Luke records Jesus' words, "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!"

God made the lilies. They are my favorite flower and, I think, quite beautiful. Would he not make his last creation, his creation for which all else was created, mankind, just as beautiful? It's not like God got tired when he got to women and said ehh-whatever. No! Quite the opposite.

Genesis tells us that when Adam was in the garden, God found that it was not good for man to be alone. God says that he would make a helper fit for him. So all the animals came to Adam and he named them. Among all of the creatures God created, though, none was found suitable. So God decided to make a helper fit for him, woman. (Genesis 2:18-23)

Now we all know the creation story, but I've had to read over this again several times for my OT history class, and it's struck me how amazing God is. He makes everything perfectly. And this isn't a shocker to me, but it's still incredible to think about! God is amazing, and he has made each one of his creations exactly as he intended. With a perfect plan(Jer 29:11), and perfectly (Psalm 139:14).

At CIY, Mark Moore told his next level class that girls needed to be told everyday that they are beautiful, and he was exactly right. If you are a guy, do not be afraid to say that your girlfriend, best friend, sister or daughter is beautiful. Because I promise she needs to hear it. Ladies, build your fellow women up, don't tear them down to make yourself feel better. It's tempting I know, but so harmful to both of you.

Remember, ladies, you are beautiful, and you are worth it. God has made someone special for you. He is perfect for you and he is exactly what you need, becuase God knows that waaay better than we think we do. So don't freak if he's not come around yet. Don't get mixed up in the losers who don't think you're as beautiful as you are. And, most important, don't settle. God didn't settle when he made you, so don't settle for less than the amazing man you deserve. And you really do deserve the best, because God has made you beautifully.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kicked out of Comfort

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

So this week has been crazy! My early week class (one class squished into one week, 7 hours a day) is Greek and Roman History, which is hard to pay attention to all day. But it's not that part that I've been majorly stressing about. It's the social interaction part, which I'm not so good at in new situations. I was blown away yesterday, however, when I came to this realization: God really does take care of me.
Monday, first day of class. I don't know anyone in the class, and they're all upperclassmen who already have their friend groups. Lunchtime rolls around and I freak! It's like first day of highschool all over again! Who do I sit with? All the people I do know are in different classes and don't get out for lunch at the same time as me. I don't want to awkwardly butt into someone else's table, and I sure as heck don't want to sit alone! It terrified me. I ended up finding somewhere to sit, but jetted as soon as I finished the mediocre chicken.
So that night, I prayed and I prayed hard. I did not want another day like that-a lonely, unsure day of awkwardness. I asked God to give me someone I knew to sit with at lunch, and to make my day a little smoother. Now, I know this probably sounds stupid and trivial-like how hard is it to find someone to eat lunch with? But for me it is hard. I'm not good at meeting new people and making friends quick like some are, especially when I'm in a new situation myself. It's scary to start over completely!
Well, that next day at lunch, God totally answered my prayer! I walk down to lunch and standing right in front of me is a friend, someone I feel comfortable with standing in line, chatting, and eating. Wow. I was like-for once! lol It was awesome, knowing that God was taking care of me, helping out in my defecit.
Then, today, we went on a field trip. Good to be out of the classroom, but once again, I was going to be kicked out of my comfort zone. So I prayed for help, and God gave me a new friend today. It was so obvious he was behind it, all I could do was smile.
Yesterday night, I was thinking about, wow, I should blog about this when I get the chance! And then, that night, at the park where we had an orientation activity, the president of Chicfila spoke to us. He was a funny guy, but what stuck in my mind out of that night was one thing he said. "God makes life just tough enough so that we trust him." And I was like yeah! Coming to CCU has been crazy! It's rediculously out of my comfort zone-a new city, new school, new people. I realized that night that I can either worry my self sick-literally-about making friends, my classwork, etc, or I can trust God to help me through the hard parts of life like this part. Because in our weakness, he shines. We have the opportunity to say-hey, look how God helped me, look how awesome he is. Like why he chose Moses or Jeremiah: I can't speak, I'm only a kid-God says don't worry, I'm with you. That way people don't think you're the hot shot-they'll know it's all me! So that's what I'm going for. I don't need to worry about making friends, having friends in my classes, or having people to sit with at mealtimes, because God will provide. And even if he doesn't give me what I think I need in that moment, I still have him, for always.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths."

"I will make you wise and show you where to go; I will guide you and watch over you."

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Emmanuel...God with us

Hey guys! So I just moved into my dorm room in Cincinnati. It's crazy going from being just a normal high school student-almost completely relient upon my parents, to becoming an almost self-relient college student. Goodbyes sucked, of course, but the orientation process has been cool-meeting new people, learning new things and new places, it's all kind of overwhelming. I snuggled down under my new comforter and sheets last night and was hit by all this craziness. It's really mindboggling. In an attempt to keep it together and gain some emotional stability again, I decided to turn to my favorite psalms. I read them whenever I need to be calmed down and it works! Crazy what God can do through his word right? lol Well, one of my favorites is psalm 121. It reads "I lift my eyes up to the hills-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth." The psalmist goes on to talk about how God never goes to sleep on the job, how he is always protecting and looking out for us. I decided to jot it down on my white board so that as I was going through this crazy transition into semi-independent life, I was far from going at it alone. First, I remembered that God is "the shade at my right hand," and that he will never leave me. He is, as one of the speakers this weekend reminded us, Emmanuel-God with us. Through all my awkward situations, he's there, encouraging me that it's ok if I screw up. When I feel lonely, he's there to keep me company. And when I do something wrong, he's there, cheering me on with a "you'll get em next time!" I also realized that God has provided me with sooo many people who care about me and how I'm doing. Of course my family and friends at home are praying for me and cheering me on from a distance, and here at school there are not only people who are paid or supposed to care like directors, counselors, and RAs, but I have a whole floor+ full of girls who are experiencing the same exact things I am. Though I feel alone, I am not alone. God is with me and he has provided me with many gracious and caring people to help me out in my awkward or unsure moments. Praise Jesus for that! May God bless you as you embark on the next journey in front of you, whether it be starting college like me, highschool, or just another day at the office. Love you all. =] Kimber.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Where will you move?

"I once thought that these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him." Philippians 3:7-8 NLT

We pulled back into the church parking lot not quite a week ago, returning from MOVE 09. Stepping off the bus is the hardest part of the week, at least for me it is. It's the time to make good on your goals, resolutions and promises. It's back to real life. I've never liked returning from trips - the let-down is a killer, but with MOVE it's different. Yes, there's some sadness because you'll miss those you grew close to, and there's no live band to make us "feel closer to God." Our return home from MOVE, though, presents us with, not only the challenge, but the opportunity to fulfill whatever it was that we felt God calling us to do for Him. Oh yeah, it's hard to keep true to committments when you don't have the constant accountability of your youth group, but with God, all things are possible, right?

Personally, I had multiple things that I knew I had been struggling with and needed to change. On the fourth night of MOVE, God revealed to me that I truly am a shopaholic. There's nothing wrong with shopping, but I shop when I'm upset or bored, like buying things is therapy to fix my broken heart. Not only does that break the bank because hearts are easily broken, but I replace something God loves to do - comfort us with his love - with a shirt I just I had to have. That's no good, because clothes and shoes can't fill me up, they only fill up my closet with too much junk. So my play-doh idol was a dress. I chucked it in the bucket with everyone else's idols, said a prayer, washed my hands and walked over a play-doh carpet and back into the auditorium to worship my God alone. So no more play-doh, cool. But at home, I have a lot more than play-doh to distract me. The real thing. On the way home we stopped at the Columbia mall to eat. That was hard. But I'm clean still haha, and I'm planning on cleaning out my closet today, which will be hard. I know someone else needs my cute clothes that I'll never wear again, though, and God wants me to find fulfillment in him rather than in material junk.

Another thing God hit me with hard was all the little stuff. We know intelectually that all sin is equal in God's eyes: lust is the same as theft, murder the same as lying. That's hard to grasp. It's a weird concept to people who live in a world that revolves around one's status. Things like lying. Not even big lies, but stupid, little lies that are unnecessary. They might make me look better, but they are never the less, wrong. Also, my language. I'm no sailor, but I let words slip that I know aren't pleasing to God. Why? My attitude is more a why not? Well, that's no good. What do people who know I'm a christian think when my mouth doesn't sound so lovely? An extra adjective for emphasis is not necessary in most cases, and if it is, the least I can do is substitue it for dang or flippin. You get the idea, and I start on the way to a cleaner mouth and a tamed tongue. Another thing I've slipped up on, or rather, cut God short on, is my time with him. This is a hard one for me, because I make myself so busy, and I'm the queen of procrastinators. I've got a crown, sceptor, the whole deal. I stay up late and sleep in, because that's the easy, fun and comfortable way to live. I'm sad to say I haven't done very good on this goal. Even though I want to spend time with God, it's so hard for me to stop everything, shut down my brain's "you need to do this, this and this" nature, and spend time with my Creator. I don't cut time with my friends for stupid stuff, so why do I let myself cut time with my Savior? I don't know, it's a mystery, one I hope to solve and conquer. It's gonna be a tough one, but as I said, this is God we're talking about, he'll help me.

The last thing I was faced with at MOVE was one I've known about for a while. I'm not always the nicest person, and I know that. That's hard to say, but there it is. I need to love people like Christ loves. I realized this as I was considering what I want to do with my future. Journalism has been it for a while, but I've come to realize that the only thing I really want to do is to love people. I want to love those kids who's parents don't give a rat's behind, or that teen who hasn't heard a word of praise for years. Al, my youth pastor, helped me see this. Some say Al is harsh, or that he doesn't care about whose feelings he hurts. He's a very black and white person, and some take him calling them out as being mean. They think he is rude and doesn't care. But if people would take a chance to get to know him, they would see that he is a guy who just loves kids. He might not have the greatest work ethic or diplomacy, but Al is in the business of loving kids. He cares, so he tells it to you straight. I hope people don't trade love for numbers. Because we could have the biggest youth group ever, but if we have not love, we are nothing.

So, I decided that I needed to love people more now. It can't just be a goal for a career if it's not a goal for life. It's easy to love the cute little kids, or my peers that I deem cool. But what I knew I needed to take a look at was how I treated the untouchables and those that annoy me most. I apologized to someone I've not been very nice to upon my return, and that was a step. I plan on following it with many more. Steps of an open heart and a controlled tongue.

So, overall, MOVE is incredible. Go. It will change your life if you let it, or should I say God will, if you let him. He showed me some pretty cool stuff this summer. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I hope you'll let him work in your life, whether you go to MOVE or not. He loves you for always, and all he wants is for you to love him back. God bless.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

heeeyyy =]

Hi! Me and some friends recently got home from CIY MOVE, a Christian youth conference in Carbondale, Illinois. Several of us decided we wanted to start blogs for several reasons: to keep up with each other, to share with each other and others about our walk with Christ, our struggles and growing experiences, and to share Christ's love with those who don't yet know it. I plan to use this as a tool to share the ways God is working in my life, with the hopes that he will use it to touch anyone who happens to read it. God Bless. =]

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